The current unrest in Ukraine is, with good reason, a hot topic all around the world. The international context revolving not only around this event but also around other economic circumstances has led to global delays in supplying new cars and, more importantly, in an increase in prices, including fuel.

As a result, Australian average fuel prices have reached an all-time high of $2 per litre across the country, or even a staggering $3 per litre, in more remote areas. As expected, this puts a lot of pressure on the population, which is struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. However, for Uber drivers, some relief from the fuel crisis is on the way.

To help drivers pay for increased fuel costs, starting 16th of March Uber is rolling out a temporary (60 day) fuel surcharge on all trips in Australia. The surcharge will be paid by riders and it will go entirely to the drivers.

With this surchage, Uber drivers will receive an extra 50 cents per average trip.

Although this is a temporary surcharge, it’s meant to help ease the sting on drivers and encourage them to stay on the roads as much as possible.

You can check out in real-time where the cheapest fuel is with PetrolSpy.

If you’re looking for a low consumption car on a flexible plan, Splend can help. We offer a wide range of models to help with your on-demand work.

Our fleet also includes hybrid cars, which can save you over $3k per year, thanks to how much fuel a hybrid car saves. An example is the stylish Toyota Camry Hybrid – not only an Uber favorite but the ideal car for careful spenders. Or, better yet, we can help you switch to an electric car. Just sign up and our team will call you back.


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About Splend

We enable people to make money by driving for on-demand apps such as Uber.

We’re more than a car subscription provider. In addition to new-model cars and all the essentials to start earning money with Uber as quickly as possible, our customers enjoy driver training and dedicated support, as well as customer benefits such as partner discounts and exclusive events.

For more information about Splend, make an appointment and drop by to your local Splend Hub, email us, or say hello on 1800 775 363.